Potential issues accessing SoundStack.com website and content management services
Incident Report for SoundStack
On Saturday, October 1, at around 7:00 am ET, SoundStack received notice that some users were having difficulty accessing SoundStack's services. Upon investigation, we found a third party plugin that caused our domain to be flagged with Google. While this impacted only our main website (soundstack.com), Google Safe Browsing ultimately blocked all related content, including sub-domains, from the global internet.

This issue did not impact production facing traffic such as RSS Feeds, podcast delivery, or live streaming audio sessions because it is hosted through other domains. In addition, our core web apps, including SoundStack Engine/Console, SoundStack Monetize, and SoundStack Insights were not impacted.

Our team resolved the issue by 9:00 am ET on October 1 and submitted a re-review directly within Google Search Console. Unfortunately, this process took more than 48 hours to confirm with Google.

As of 12:05 pm ET Monday, October 3, 2022, after escalations to Google, we are seeing normal access and have confirmed the issue is resolved.

Moving forward, SoundStack will take measures to ensure there are no out-dated third party plugins on our website and implement a better policy moving forward, versus relying on a third party hosted service.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused to your workflow. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact support@soundstack.com.
Posted Oct 01, 2022 - 11:00 UTC